Energy-saving tips for you during the summer

Save your wallet during the scorching summer months

The summer months are here. As the global average temperatures are on the rise, we must brace ourselves for increased energy consumption and the heavy toll it will take on all of us. According to expert statistics, around 20% of the total energy consumption is used for cooling the buildings. Whether it be offices, public spaces, or homes, a seasonal rise in demand for energy is significant. Now that international tensions are on the rise, importing energy by conventional techniques is questionable and it only means you will likely see a surge in prices sooner or later.

In this context, how can you plan your personal finances considering the increased energy consumption? Or better yet, how can you make sure the energy bill doesn’t make a hole in your wallet as the price of energy increases?

One method to achieve this can be to invest in energy-efficient practices. Simple habits like using fans to cool air and keeping the windows shaded during the day can help reduce your energy usage. Moreover, ensuring that your home is properly insulated can help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature without relying heavily on cooling systems. However, sometimes the summer heat can be too much to bear, and that’s when efficient cooling systems can be important. In such situations, regular maintenance of your HVAC system by professionals from Platinum Air Heating & Cooling, or similar places, can ensure that it runs at peak efficiency, saving you both energy and money. You can also consider planting trees or installing awning that can provide natural shade to further reduce indoor temperature and lower your energy bills.

Let’s discuss more fail-proof techniques to help you save energy and reduce your energy bill this summer.

Tips to save energy

We have talked about this extensively before, but there’s no harm in repeating if the point we are making is worth it. Saving energy is vital for our personal growth and the sustenance of the planet. Every person should take responsibility to save energy and strive to make it more sustainable. Here are a few tips to save energy at home.

  • Use of LED or energy-efficient Light Bulbs
    Conventional incandescent bulbs use more electricity and thereby lead to increased energy consumption. You can swap them with energy-saving LED bulbs to make sure your energy bill doesn’t spike even if you are using them extensively during the summer months.
  • Use a thermostat to maintain the house temperature
    You don’t have any control over the temperature outside, but you can control it inside your home using a thermostat. It will help you set a certain temperature that you are comfortable with and allows you to maintain that temperature consistently. This means you don’t have to run the AC till you feel the chill inside. The thermostat will control and turn off the AC as soon as it reaches the set temperature. Make sure that the AC is working correctly and in sync with the thermostat, however. If there is a lag or malfunction, call in guys from Sandri Energy ( or a similar service to fix it. Once it’s working properly, and since the whole process is automated, you can significantly reduce the amount of time and energy you spend to cool off.
  • Use blinds and ventilation to avoid any extra heat entering your house
    It’s simple, yet highly effective. Ventilation and sources of heating can be managed to ensure they don’t increase the temperature unnecessarily. Moreover, you can really manage the mild summer heat most of the time with proper ventilation. Fixing the vents, installing exhaust fans, keeping the blinds or shades on during the high noon, and making sure all of the unnecessary appliances are turned off make a huge impact. You can also look for custom window treatments that can help to control light and heat in the house to keep the indoors cool during summers. It could benefit you reduce the total amount of energy consumed at home, thereby bring down the cost.
  • Use of fans with AC and a de-humidifier
    We are so accustomed to having an AC or heater that other options feel meritless. However, that’s not the case. You can easily use a fan to cool off at home without having to run an AC all the time. It’s a major step down in energy consumption and a fan only uses a fraction of the energy required for an AC. Similarly, there are apparatuses like the de-humidifier that help you maintain the humidity level that impacts your perceived temperature. In simpler terms, a de-humidifier manages the amount of water in the air that heats up the atmosphere.
  • Focus on the outdoors and try grilling instead of using the oven
    Another feasible alternative for energy saving is opting for outdoor activities instead of spending too much time indoors. You can take a walk to enjoy the sun and spend some quality time with friends and family at outdoor activities like grilling and strolls through the park. Grilling can be a fun activity to do with the whole gang, and if you’re inviting a lot of people over, remember to stay fueled up! If you enjoy regular barbecues, then it may even be useful to have an oil tank installed in the home with the help of professionals (like those at, which could be a way to save energy around the home as well. In any case, try to plan more outdoor activities during the summer. These can help you interact with nature and be more in terms with it. The more time you spend indoors inevitably creates energy demand in one way or the other. Avoiding the need altogether is a great way to save costs.
  • Trying alternate routes on your commute
    Summertime also incurs more energy during the time spent on the road. It’s the outdoor season and streets are bound to be more crowded. The traffic increases and you have to spend more time on the road for your daily commutes. Using devices like GPS trackers can help you track your travel timings, length, routes, etc. and help you plan accordingly. You can also check out the regular routes you take, see how long it takes, and search alternate routes using simple GPS tracker devices. If you can shift to biking or taking public transport, it can be highly effective.