Get A Fast, Secure Loan Against Your Car Today

Getting a loan against your car or any other vehicle you own, can help you get an injection of cash when you need it most, whatever you need it for. And a Car Cash Point logbook loan can help get over any credit problems you might have as well as giving you low repayments to suit you. 

Despite the ongoing necessity to ‘tighten our belts’ and look after our money, consumer borrowing is still on the rise, especially with traditional secured loans. And a logbook loan from Car Cash Point is one of the easiest ways to help you get a lump sum of cash, from £500 upwards, quickly and safely, whatever you need it for.

So by looking at several areas where a secured loan against your car can help raise your funds, you’ll see how useful a logbook loan can be in more ways than you imagined.

Small business set up

Over the last few years, there’s been a steep rise in solopreneurs, home workers, freelancers – call them what you like. More and more people are choosing to quit the 9 to 5 and work from their own home, on their own terms. And while it doesn’t suit everyone, there’s certainly a marked rise in the number of people contributing to the gig economy.

So what are the benefits? Well, from the home worker’s point of view, it marks an end to the daily commute. Stuck for hours, battling through the traffic, road works, and weather, getting stressed out before the working day even begins. Then you need to face it all again 8 hours later to get home.

But ask any home worker what the real bonus is, and they’ll gladly tell you. It means working on your own terms. You no longer have to work for a boss, you’re not answerable to anyone else, and most of all, you’re not lining someone else’s pockets thanks to your hard work.

Overall, the lack of guaranteed income, pension, paid holiday and sick leave, and other perks that employees are used to, is of secondary importance to the new-found freedom that working for yourself brings.

But, you can only get so far on dreams and enthusiasm, especially in the early days of working for yourself. Depending on what you intend to do as a home worker, there’ll probably be a need for a cash advance to help with your set up costs – a computer and printer, maybe a website and hosting. That’s where a loan against your car can help you.

But beyond a new working life, there are other ways that a secured loan against your car can help you for other life events. And one of the biggest you might experience is getting married.

Wedding celebrations

No matter how big or small you plan your special day to be, weddings are an expensive celebration. But just because they’re expensive, shouldn’t mean you miss out on creating the perfect day you’ve always wanted.

While it’s the parents of the Bride who traditionally pay for a wedding, for many families tradition has had to take a back seat. Ongoing financial constraints in an uncertain economy mean not everyone can afford to pay for everything. So while many families will gladly help out however they can, nowadays, the Bride and Groom will pay for much of their own wedding themselves.

Again, this is where a logbook loan from Car Cash point can help you. A cash supplement that could prove to be the icing on the cake – quite literally. Letting you push the boat out for your once in a lifetime ceremony, or your evening reception extravaganza.

Of course, a logbook loan could help you before you start planning the big day by going towards an extra special engagement ring. Or, if you’re planning a smaller, more low-key wedding, a blow out engagement party for friends and family with no expense spared. But at the end of it all, whenever it happens, every married couple wants a honeymoon.

Holiday of a lifetime

Honeymoons are another marriage tradition that often mean once in a lifetime holidays to exotic destinations. And a loan against your car could certainly go some way towards paying for the flights and accommodation. But a once in a lifetime holiday doesn’t necessarily have to be just once.

Holidays are often the backdrop to another celebration, like a special wedding anniversary where several generations get together in the sun. It might be a big family holiday just for the sake of it – who needs a celebration as an excuse to run to the sun?! Or a holiday can be a much needed romantic getaway when you’ve been working flat out for most of the year.

The common theme for all these holiday examples, is the desire to get away for a special holiday. But with the £GBP not doing so well against either the €Euro or the $US Dollar, getting away from it all costs more than it used to. But a loan against your car could help towards flights, accommodation or even boost your holiday spending money.

A fast loan against your car

You’ve read a lot here about how a logbook loan against your car can help give you much needed funds, but how does it work? As one of the UK’s leading logbook loan lenders, Car Cash Point can offer you a fast, flexible and transparent loan in less than 5 minutes. Here’s how:

If you’re a named car owner, and your car is free from any finance, Car Cash Point can provide a secured loan against the value of your car, paid directly into your account, usually inside one hour. We pride ourselves on having no hidden fees or charges, and have a range of flexible repayment terms to suit you and the way you receive your own income.

There are also no credit checks. And that means you’ll still be able to take advantage of a loan from us, even if you’ve had, or currently have, any credit issues. And we have one of the lowest rates of interest of any logbook loan lender – almost half that of others.

So, to get a fast and secure loan against your car to help towards whatever life changing moment you have planned, Car Cash Point can help you. To find out more, visit Car Cash Point today at and apply online, or call our award-winning team on 0330 134 2998.