Some time ago, just a few months, my girlfriend and I planned a trip across Europe, driving. We would take in about 10 countries, starting in Frankfurt Germany. The idea was to buy a car using that Peugeot Leasing system and drive. How does that work? Well, you pay a certain amount that the company calculates based on the time you will have the car. They provide you with a brand new vehicle, fully insured, emergency roadside assistance, and off you go. Positively simple!
What we had to work out was the route which would include all the things we wanted to see. With the use of a car, you have a bit more leeway as to exactly where you can go. For example, if you’re into nature and hiking then you can drive to a lake or a national park and hike the day away. No trains or buses would be able to take you there.
The Cost
After doing a few itineraries, it was obvious we would be driving about 7000 km over a period of 45 days. The cost of the car was going to be $3000 and the fuel about $500 based on the economy figures we had for the car. We opted for AirBNB along the way as it was half the price of hotels and a bit more private than hostels. We estimated our costs to be around $9000. No problem, just how to get that money together in time. Work an extra job? Maybe. Borrow? No! Use credit cards? No, that’s the same as borrow isn’t it? Rob a bank? A bit risky but worth consideration. Run a scam on the internet? Good idea but neither of us had a clue as to how to do that. Stumped.
Online Gambling
Then, of course, there is online gambling playing online casino. I know! I know! Stupid idea. Or is it? I admit to dabbling a little online, just joining the other 70 million punters, so no big deal. I have had a modicum of success at roulette and done reasonably well at Poker. I played small stakes poker but had started there with £50 and now had £127! Was that a sign I shouldn’t ignore? Well, there was that or go out collecting plastic bottles for recycling.
Great Trip
In the end, it all worked out rather well. The car leasing agent had made a mistake so the vehicle was upgraded and $500 cheaper. The accommodation was excellent and because we stayed in homes, there were always cooking facilities. We shopped groceries and made breakfast every morning before heading off. Also, we had bought bread rolls and these we made into our picnic lunch. Some of the places we stopped to eat our lunch were amazing and added another element to the trip. All the shopping we had was packed into bags and we carried them to the next house or apartment we stayed in. Oh, and I made another £128 online with some astute bets!